We are going above and beyond to help 501c3 organizations! Our Boutique Parties® fundraising events are held the same way as our Boutique Parties® premiers but are set up a little differently so that your organization can raise the funds it needs! We will still perform the 40 minute party on your behalf! Instead of earning the 10% host rewards in free products, we will give 10% of the total guest party sales in cash to an active 501c3 organization. What is even better, is if a single premier, which can have unlimited attendees, reaches $500 in total guest sales, we will match it with an additional 10% donation! That’s 20% total that can be earned on a single 40 minute Boutique Parties® fundraising event. This our gift to you and your organization. We know everyone can use a little boost and we are here to help you every step of the way. Just fill out the form below and we will have someone reach out to you with further details: